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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy womens day modern day sita devis

                                                                         Women have always fascinated me  .  Dont glare at me nor smile sarcastically  because i mean women in the general sense . From mother , aunt, friend to even the random woman shown on television even animal mothers (for they too are of the feminine gender )  .

Maybe its inbuilt in their genetic makeup by Mother nature  primarily  they  "give " more than they receive . Even in this age of womens liberation after  a  hectic day  of work when they take the lead in childcare and home management  i do stop in awe  to appreciate them . And  i have observed many of them take  on these additional roles  with minimal recognition or often no recognition .  I  definitely agree that the current generation men  (whether spontaneously or due to necessity )  do their  best to do their share of the home management .

Dont for one moment think that i am underestimating men  . I do appreciate the sensitive modern age man which is a growing segment and is the greatest thing a woman can get .  But i am really worried about the other segment who not only appreciates women but does things which creates hell for a woman be it at home or the workplace  .  Yesterdays paper had the news of a 3 year old girl child sexually assaulted and she had multiple surgeries just to repair her physical injuries . Her psychological injuries are better not discussed .  This is just one of the incidents after the gang rape of a woman in  delhi which created a big media uproar .

If rape is the only problem thats just the tip of the iceberg  .  What about the physical , verbal and emotional abuse at homes .  No  no  , i am not saying that women are not to blame in these things but  overall in our patriarchal soceity men get scotfree or even appreciated for these  things  .  And we should remember the Domestic violence Act of 2005 and section 498A of indian penal code which if properly applied can make the abuser and his family behind bars  . The law is skewed towards women and i am fully aware some women misuse it  .  But  what i am surprised is the bulk of the women who are abused emotionally and even physically silently suffer often not even telling about this even to their families  . They do it not because of fear  but as "sarvamsahas " they do it  for their family and children  .I dont agree with their attitude of sarvamsaha  but can  stop again in awe at the  amount of patience they have in doing this and still smiling  .

As men who have women friends can testify few men can give the care they give when you are in trouble .  I am not meaning the solutions to a problem but the level of empathy  . Even studies have proved that empathy is more for women compared to men  .

I need not discuss in detail what happened to sitadevi(read ramayana )  in the end . Inspite of everything and even the test by fire  (to test her chastity  )  she still was not fully accepted  .  And being the daughter of Mother earth the earth split open and accepted her back  .

But as mortal human beings  and being in the 21 st century  cant we work towards a gender "unequal soceity  " .  For  till a man gives birth no man can be equal to a woman  .

PS  :  This is only to show my appreciation for women which is truly from my heart  .  And for the men who do the same .  Of course this article is not to support some women who have not understood the essence of a woman and try to compete with man telling that man and woman are equal  . It is in identifying the unique strengths of both sexes  that women can truly realise their potential  .Happy womens day to all women and the men who treat their women right  ...

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