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Sunday, June 13, 2021

new year resolution -learning an instrument

 How many hours per day you spent on social networking sites ? And how many you spent shopping? By shopping i mean not the essential shopping but the shoppaholic shopping . Admit it . We all do it . Its ok . But i am telling this new year make it a priority to learn a musical instrument sparing some time off your social networking and alcoholism ( sorry shopaholism :)  .)

Study upon study has shown learning a musical instrument has a host of benefits . And it even helps better in other non musical areas.  Age is no bar in  learning an instrument as that is one fear many people have. They feel  that it is too late to start learning . Another impediment to learning is it is perceived as too tough . But actually if interest is there learning an instrument is easy . There are no deadlines and no levels to attain unlike career . So if you go easy on yourself its not difficult to learn an instrument . 

Then you may still say "I am busy . I dont have time "   . Really ? Refer paragraph one . Most people who are very busy spend enough and more time on social media and shopping . So taking off a few hours each week for learning an instrument is not difficult . And the rewards are tremendous . Listening to music is great but playing an instrument is even more rewarding as numerous studies have shown . It is even proven to increase new brain connections . 

It is christmas time and have you ever thought wouldnt it be nice to strum a guitar along with christmas songs ?  Believe me , its easy if you have the right teacher and have some amount of interest . So lets meet next year same time and hopefully some of you uploading your songs played with the music instrument you have learnt . Guitar , keyboard , violin or ukulele ..... I am waiting ... Merry Christmas ....2016   

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