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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

medical moments 7---the two sides of pain

                                                             He didnt protest . He didnt even  wince . But he gave me a sad look which i still remember .  Though 99 percent of the sadness was at the world and himself as he was just out of a failed suicidal attempt the remaining 1 percent was because of me .  A well built youngster of around 18-20 years that didnt help because i was trying to take his blood sample for the third time . And being my first  attempt in the procedure i failed . But that day i decided i will not contribute to pain of a patient to the best of my ability .

Though never interested in invasive procedures blood sample taking including that made me keenly interested in taking a deep interest in skill development just to avoid paining the patient . And maybe that failed first attempt helped me to do the procedures assigned to me including lumbar puncture and suturing with as much patient comfort as possible . My skill improved tremendously at these minor procedures by the end of housesurgeoncy .

Fast backward many decades . I was a small boy eating as much chocolates as any other . And soon the time came to get a tooth pulled out . I still remember the day because i saw heaven on that day . It took me years later to realise that the anaesthetic hadnt fully taken effect on that day and the dentist was a little early in pulling the tooth . He was a nice man but didnt check whether the anaesthetic had fully taken effect . And like many i too developed a dentist phobia after that . But years later i realised that some doctors are more tuned to patients pain than others .   And like i wrote yesterday on choosing a doctor its important that you should choose a doctor/dentist who is as interested in curing you as in doing the procedure with minimal pain .
"Please lift your finger if you have pain " shows the ability to empathise with you in addition to the medical knowledge .

Though these days the public often quote Hippocratic oath without even reading about it when questioning doctors ethics,  in one aspect i think Hippocrates can be quoted

One of his sayings : "Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always.".   And though as discussed in medical moments 6 , this comforting by words depends on patients expectations also which can vary , the comfort by minimising pain to the least is a realistic expectation in these days of good anaesthesia . And yes , if your doctor or dentist is insensitive to your pain , dont complain that ALL doctors are bad but look for another good doctor .  (there are many out there these days ... )  

Comments welcome and share it if you like ...


  1. the worst thing one has to face post surgery esp. after the sedation effect goes down and put alone inside one corner of the operation theatre. a little care and support every patient expects from the medical staff but denied usually. remember ,how much i have to cry loud to get the attention of the nurses .cannot forget it ever in life.

  2. though partly driven by competition these days in better hospitals patients pain is given importance ... things r changing but i still cant find a website where honest feedback is given by patients on their hospital experience .. high time somebody starts it ...
