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Saturday, October 5, 2013

medical moments 5 .... little knowledge is a dangerous thing

                                                                   I miss those phone calls . It starts off as an inquisitive call asking about some serious medical illness , its treatment options etc and which requires me not only to use my knowledge which i studied as well as some websearching at reputed medical sites .I like intellectual challenges but as soon as that information is given soon the discussion turns to the inaccuracy of medicine , how such and such patient died due to doctors mistake and all the negative talk on the medical profession .

Having seen the profession from three sides ... as a doctor , as a patient and also as a teacher working along with doctors ...( i teach radiologists and technicians )  i do see very well both sides of the coin . As i have blogged earlier the human body is the most amazing piece of machinery much more complex than any engineering marvel ( i work with both unlike most doctors )  .  And still inspite of tremendous advances in medical science each day we are discovering new things not only about treatment but even about the body .
Its really amazing if you spend time learning about it even by spending some time on the internet (as there are lots of patient-knowledge sites by reputed medical centres ) goes a long way in getting a good picture of the subject .

But there is one problem . Even at this moment some diseases have 100 percent cure (if detected early ) and some have 100 percent mortality and most diseases come in between . And also its a fact that most of the tests done have their on risks and benefits  .  Here is the issue .

We have a life where there is no guarantee of the next moment (even when travelling as a pedestrian on road ) or even sleeping in our bed at night (earthquakes etc .. ) but whenever people undergo a treatment or a test they expect 100 percent results (its foolish but thats how it is ) . The really wise accept the risks and go ahead seeing the bigger picture of life but many dont . The really wise also read a lot and also realises the limitations of humans when doing treatment on another human and also makes informed decisions

But mostly i am apalled at the levels of knowledge of highly vocal people who are excellent in their careers (often in the scientific domain ) but have rudimentary knowledge of medical science which these days even a kid can get from google .And other than a cursory search they dont read about this subject which is a manual of the only "machine " they really own --- their body  .   Doctors know from day one that they are not dealing with a subject where all the possibilities are known (because the body is not designed by them )  . And even after spending millions of dollars on drug research all sideeffects are not known because thats the way of science . (even basic laws of physics have changed in many cases over the years )  .

                                                                          Since i am not giving away any shortcuts to knowledge when all have access to the internet a brief discussion on CT scans is relevant as an example . In olden times many lives were lost after accidents as doctors could only diagnose a head injury by external symptoms and often by the time patient starts getting worse it was often late for surgery . The CT scan test in a few seconds could diagnose the brain bleed and help to diagnose this early and saves lot of lives . But its a procedure involving radiation . And before anyone gets hyper on radiation we should realise that radiation is a thing we are all exposed to even when we are in our house or outside  ( from radioactive gases in air , cosmic rays etc ). But CT scans do deliver a  radiation dose . So now what is the choice .... Should we do the test to save the life or dont do it because of radiation risk . This is where risk versus benefit comes in .  Just like walking on the road the possibility of reaching safely is much greater than dying in an accident . Similarly the benefits of Ct scans outweigh the risks depending on the patients condition . This risk -benefit ratio is a complicated subject but the general recommendations are clear in medical sites for patients (by reputed instituitions )  .

Why it is or not followed in a given case depends on many factors especially in our society especially since these days at least a part of medical care is determined by patient demand in a consumerist culture .There are patients who demand a CT scan , there are patients who cannot wait till morning for observation of head injury and a host of other reasons . Further complicating things is the kickback or corruption indulged by some doctors (coming from the same consumerist culture these days )  in ordering CT scans.

Medical profession is one built on trust and knowledge(with all the limitations ) . And in the best interests of the patient and the doctors it would be best that patients start learning about medical science in the same way as the good doctors (there still are many )  realising that humility and knowledge goes hand in hand .. Not arguments which till this date i have seen only from people with the least knowledge ...

PS : I will definitely comeback with the kickbacks which complicate medicine practice in another blog but this blog is directed at patients who should make informed decisions especially in this internet era and shouldnt say " I didnt know " and try to blame the person who is between God and U . Even as a doctor i respect the good doctors and find its the noblest profession and WE as a soceity has commercialised the profession  ..(thats also a blog this week )  ...

Comments please ......

Disclaimer : this is not medical advice .. 

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