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Thursday, November 22, 2012

freedom of speech and expression facebook

Can you guess what i did when i landed in hongkong airport a yaer back  ?  Ran to eat the fantastic food available there ??  Went to washroom ?? Ran to the great shopping arcade ??  No .......You will never guess cos  ..... I went to access facebook  . 

You must be thinking i am a facebook addict ( in a way i am )  but above all the reason was i just came from china after a 2 week stay  .  And facebook is banned in china . And for me and a host of other new generation people ( :)  ya  , i am new generation in my thoughts  )  facebook is a very important part of life because it gives one more avenue of freedom of expression . 

Last week there was a news:

Not a rare occurence these days but i feel it is the flame before a dying fire . Let me explain

India  is  the largest democracy and also a country which has produced fighters like bhagat singh , great social reformers like raja ram mohan roy who has stood against the ultimate might be it the british empire or the prevailing bad social customs .  Even in those days indians were known to stand up for their rights and india is a country which fought for its freedom and got it after a long struggle .  So when that freedom of expression is threatened by whichever fundamentalist force indians especially the opinionated ones strongly oppose it  .  As if this is not enough , the younger generation is so vocal and transparent in their dealings that they wouldnt tolerate curb on their freedom of expression . 

Already press association of india is planning legal action against whomever caused the arrest of thes girls on such a frivolous charge .Freedom of speech and expression is guaranteed in the constitution .  Thus this flame of arresting people who speak out will not be sustained long .  As seeing todays youth and their zest for life and call for transparency and free speech i think days are not far when the hypocrites will be brought under the law . Till then the innocent gets arrested but they have the full support from  the masses . 

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