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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

the red cheek and the new generation

Buses do break down . The guy was a bully .. He hit her lightly on the cheek . She didnt like it and expressed her displeasure . You know these type of guys . They persist bullying because in their narcissistic world only they have rights . He again hit her with a comb . Again she told she didnt like it . The third time he lifted the comb there was a cracking sound . Neighbouring classmates told there was steam coming out of his ears . But one thing was sure . Her retaliatory slap on his face was strong as well as a fitting blow to his ego .

World continued the same . But there was one less bully in that school . He left the school in disgrace and the cause is not exactly known but at least one percent is due to the slap . The retaliatory slapper was my young cousin who im very proud to say is the future if we want a better world .. When i asked whether she wanted a barbie doll as gift she told a bike thats another issue but the "slap " is symbolic and the right way to treat a bully .

150 years back there was a lady who instead of saying yes to the huge sum of money offered every month for being a passive ruler of her country choose to say No .. Her name was Rani of Jhansi . She knew the might of the bully which came in the form of East India company . She died fighting a war she knew for which the odds were heavily against her .. And she was a woman too in that Male chauvinistic era ..

Just as near as a few months the headlines is filled with increasing physical assaults on women in india . Now the media is so tired of reporting it that they have minimised the reporting . Of course punishments have increased but still i sometimes wonder inspite of being the "weaker " sex wouldnt it be great if women (also men ) stand up more for their rights and do not accept the bullies anywhere by being passive .

Wont a slap or walking out of a chronically abusive relationship set an example as great as Rani of Jhansi slicing the britishers with her baby strapped to her waist .. I donno .. Just some random thoughts

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