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Thursday, April 3, 2014

The extremes .. people

These days when i hear people generalise including "All people are selfish " i dont partake in adding further comments . For compared to my younger days experience has taught me that people are as different as day and night ..

I remember the first week of my postgraduation . I was literally homeless .. Not that i didnt have the money . But a new city for the first time in my life and not easy to find quick accomodation . Many who have gone out to work or study knows this experience . I was surprised to find suddenly to see people whom i scarcely knew before becoming extremely hospitable . And i was equally surprised to see some people whom i knew for many years being "just friendly " but not helping much . Later after i got used to my independant life away from home assessing personalities became a survival skill . And i realised that the extremely hospitable person was a very nice human being and for very nice human beings duration of friendship is not important .

I have a bad habit .. I talk to maid servants . Actually in addition to being friendly its a way to know people of a different social class better . (Mind you i dont talk to young maids so dont mistake me ) . Even here i find stark differences in personalities . When one of my relatives died recently two maids had entirely different reaction to his death . One who knew him for more than a decade was asking repeatedly about when and why she is not getting her share of rice after his death . While another maid who just knew him for a few weeks took the pains to board a train and visit the grieving family all at her expense .

As practising doctors we know the patient extremes who are thankful even if the patient dies as long as we do the best while those who are so demanding and ungrateful inspite of the best efforts .

Though i never believe in tit for tat in any relationship its always prudent to assess the personality especially the "niceness " factor .. And be nice and hospitable to the nice people and ignore the rest .. Similarly invest in relationships with nice people and less selfish people because our time is limited and we should use it prudently .. Your views please ...

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