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Monday, March 17, 2014

The day i became a mirror :) Not science fiction

I dont get embarassed around women at least for the last many years . But once i was . One of the prettiest girls who was my friend came close to me with her face quite close to mine . To tell frankly this sudden move left me startled . The next dialogue startled me even further .. She told me consider me like your sister (As if i dont :) : All indians are my sisters :) ) and tell me ...How do i look ? Still puzzled she saw my confusion . She was not asking about how pretty she was . She was asking whether she looked fresh and the reason was the only available mirror was missing from its usual place and she wanted to check her face . But years later i cant recall that without laughter . Her expression and mine . Generally (actually always ) decent around women why on earth was she telling consider me like your" sister "and check my face ? I was always friendly to her and never even flirted with her except smiling and talking . And secondly why she should check her face even if the mirror is missing ? Is it because as a woman looking fresh was even more important than bringing her face close to a dangerous man :) like me ? All indians are my brothers and sisters . But still i dont know if that day i was a brother for her . To be honest i was a mirror on that day :) .

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