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Saturday, December 15, 2012

massacre in united states

It has happened again and probably will again if drastic steps are not taken . First of all its very unfortunate and each word makes most of us sad .  The sheer number of victims , the shooter was a young man  and he killed his mother too all makes me wonder whats really going on ?

Such shooting incidents are in the news often these days mostly coming from the united states .  Like any problem the causes are complex. But there are a few obvious ones of course .

In most of these incidents guns have been used and whatever we say about the fundamental  right to have guns  and that too semi automatic guns  i think a stricter gun control is the need of the hour  . Most countries in the world have stricter gun control laws . Check wikipedia for ranking on gun numbers per 100 residents . World leader in it is United states is 88 per 100  residents  .  Now think  . For what  ?

If you think gun control alone will solve the problem i have my little thoughts about it too .  Switzerland has the ranking 4  in the number of guns per hundred residents : 45 per 100 residents . Pretty high number . Why is it that Swiss school students dont randomly kill fellow students and their mother  .  Is there some fundamental difference in US soceity which is different from  Swiss soceity  ?  After all mindless murders partly reflect the health of the soceity  .  What about india? What about Brazil which is notorious for violent crimes  .  But school shootings , killing parents and shooting themselves (suicide )pattern is less common even there .

The only country which has dropped not one but two atom bombs on civilians .(wikipedia )

The country which has sent armies to iraq , afghanistan and libya etc etc  .  (wikipedia )

With one of the highest divorce rates in the world  (one in two  )  .(wikipedia )

Maximum spend in military (wikipedia  )   which at least partly  the dollar if used can eradicate world poverty

                              There are justifications for all the above  but  young kids growing up in such soceities unlike adults think straight  . When they see violence justified by  arguments in their minds violence is the only thing that remains not the false arguments justifying the violence .  This topic is a much loaded one and i see only two solutions :  In the short term  :  strict gun control laws  . In the long term  :  a rethink of  the fundamental values of soceity and a non -hypocritical approach especially in showing the growing children by example rather than arguments  .

And i along with the whole world sincerely hope such incidents does not hopefully happen again


  1. Well said! I believe there is a lot of violence in several parts of the world. But there difference I see is that most of the time, there is a mOtive - real or imagined. Here, there really isn't except if you count misdirected anger. And the mother was a gun collector?!

  2. Thanks for the thoughtful comment . I got some flak from my cousins and friend in US for this blog (expected ) but my point was this : "Misdirected anger " even from a dysfunctional person needs a serious rethink about that soceity
    as dysfunctionality is there in all countries . But if this much anger and this much midsirected anger is there something more is there to it . Repeatedly the blame is put on guns etc etc while the real cause is conveniently forgotten ...
