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Friday, January 3, 2014

the end of innocence

                                                             I am still innocent :) Believe it or not . But when i think back on my childhood and teenage years i still remember the boundaries which signalled the end of innocence . And yes like for everybody that was girls . Dont get me wrong being a registered bookworm for a long period in an all boys school the boundary jumping was subtle .

And in all these my companion were bicycles . An avid cyclist from my childhood days i still remember endless hours of cycling in our large family house . But when  i got my BSA SLR at 15 years cycling remained the same . But there was a difference . The cycling was getting timed even without my awareness. I still remember the girl with specs who used to study in my sisters school nearby . And no amount of calculation or probability theory helped me to time my cycling with the time when  she left her home walking to her school . No it was not teenage love .. I still dont even know her name except for the glances we had in passing by .

Next year companion remained the same . The bicycle of course . School got over . Again (not my fault ) in endless hours of cycling i saw everyday one girl walking to tuition class . She stayed a kilometre from my house . Being a bookworm never focussed on anything other than the road while cycling . But one day the cycle stopped by itself and to my surprise to an even more surprised girl asked her name . Thats it ..In conservative kerala during that time no girl tells her name to a stranger . Call it sixth sense or maybe she thought whats in a name ,, she told her name . I cycled away . Bookworms can enquire and it was surprising that she was daughter of a doctor and that too my dads friends daughter . I didnt know that when i talked to her .  End of story . For days i was scared that she would have told her dad of this stranger boy who asked her name in middle of the road .

Those who know me during that time can tell that i was never a villain during those years (even now :) ) . One afternoon i was busy scratching away trying to erase my name from the back bench where my name and the prettiest girl in the class name was written together .My classmates were playing a prank and they had written the names together .  I was embarassed to say the least . Suddenly a teacher who was sleeping in that empty class smilingly woke up and asked why i am trying to erase it . He told me dont mind all these . He is a famous quiz master  and tv comperer now . My only crime was having a crush on the girl like all the boys in my class ..

Years have passed and these days except for cycling i dont ask girls names or glance at them . But thinking back i think those were the days which marked end of my innocence ..... the narrow boundary from childhood to teenage ..

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