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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Malala , Mahatma Gandhi and Bhagat Singh

                                                         I was a kid then . I saw Gandhi film and still remember like yesterday the scene  when he is pushed out from the first class compartment of the train where he stares at the oppressor in that initial scene . Lets be honest most of us would have just brushed our coat and would have walked home with bruised mind . Because the enemy against this man was not one person but a mighty nation where sun never sets .But he never gave up and the end result is the free india

Years passed by and though his methods was different an angry young man in punjab also revolted against this tyrannical rule with a handful of his friends . He too was not fearful in taking on an enemy the size of which was unfathomable . He was Bhagat singh and if you think you know him really well read wikipedia and google really well . He was a real " man " in every sense even in the days before he was hanged .  He was 23 only  .

And in this day and age where we are cosmopolitan and where none of us have fear ( i am sarcastic here ) many social evils prevail . Oppressors have changed their form and colour , These days we know clearly what is oppression and how it can be tackled . Because the greatest thing which sustains oppression is not the handful of oppressors but the "silent " majority who minds their business .  It is in these circumstances people like Malala have a bigger question mark in front of the people .

Shes only 16 years and  a girl  . And that tells a lot .  At that tender age and being a girl ( i am being sexist here )  she has dared to stand up for her rights . And the question comes where is all the mature men and women of her country ? What are they doing ?  And her speech "after "  her injuries show the undying spirit that just like "hope " the " fighting against odds " is an inherent human trait . Only thing is its ingrained in a few and as the " silent " majority at least lets support them .

Whenever we say big words (me included ) against corruption , against crimes against women ,religious fundamentalism etc etc lets ask ourselves how silent we are and whether we can do something about it .. Think about it  ...

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