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Saturday, July 20, 2013

First blood movie review

Having seen both First blood and terminator series i like the former better because i feel it has got a better storyline and more realistic .
A dialogue from the first blood movie  : "
;Rambo :  I could have killed 'em all, I could've killed you. In town you're the law, out here it's me. Don't push it! Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go!

It amazes me the movie buff i am misses so many things in movies and i have to see it many times to get the full message .  As an action movie buff i always liked the movie first blood where the character Rambo played by sylvester stallone fights singlehandedly against an entire section of armed men . The guerilla warfare and the techniques employed are simply superb .  Even the fighting technique where he uses sharpened sticks to severely injure armed men and improvising traps etc is too good . And the M60 machine gun is one of the few machine guns which can be hand carried and fired at 600 rounds per minute

;It is only in second round of movie watching that i understand stallones dialogues especially since he is known to swallow half his dialogues with his style of speech  ..For an action movie the dialogue delivery is good , forceful and tells why he did what he does in the movie
Though we see all this in the first view actually the movie is about PTSD or Post traumatic stress disorder  . (wikipedia )  .. As he himself puts it  towards the end the entire action sequence was because as a returning war veteran he couldnt adjust to civilian life  and in addition to that the innocent civilians triggered him by a wrongful arrest and a little torture in police custody ;Towards the end he summarises why he went into the carnage which blew up half the town . In the  words of Rambo  "Calling me baby killer and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to protest me? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!"   Those who have read about the problems of returning vietnam war veterans will know what he means though Rambo is a fictional character  .

And lastly seeing First blood i cannot help but think whether campus shootings in united states which occur every year with a regularity has something to do with bullying on the campus  .Just like Rambo was a troubled man who was pushed too much , many of the campus shooters were bullied before they went into a killing spree .  I have blogged on this before .. But as Rambo says in the movie : Sir , it was not I but they who drew the first blood ..

My rating for this movie is Must watch ..

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