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Sunday, April 29, 2012

taboo---national geographic tv

Human beings, me included , are a rare breed . Gifted with intelligence and emotion , though the vast majority of us go through life fairly "normally  "  with an occasional bungee jumping  thrown in , it is no surprise at least  some human beings do things extremely .
                                                            A tv series in the national geographic channel called "taboo " shows how much deviation certain groups of people can be  . Having just watched two episodes it has already had me hooked .  In the first episode they show corporates in korea paying for a "death experience "  so that employees value life more .  Its a paid service where a person writes his own epitaph words and reads them aloud and later is put in a coffin for 15 minutes .  If you feel this is weird and impossible -- that is what the program is all about . What is weird and impossible in one part of the world is perfectly logical and possible in another part of the world .  And to put things in perspective . south korea has the highest suicide rate among industrialised nations . This "death experience " is a service started by a person who attempted suicide twice and later understood the value of life  .

Who is the most desirable male in the world . The handsome hunk in the swanky Multinational company with 7 figure salary . I dont know .But apparently  it seems at least for a group of females life convicts in prison are the most desirable . If you think i have gone crazy  seeing too much tv just check out  taboo on national geographic or even the google for statistics . It seems in some countries there are many murder committed prisoners who got a girlfriend or got married after they were in prison .  And this is not "prison love " like in a movie in malayalam . Though i dont recommend being in prison , this shows different people think differently in different parts of the world .

If you think tattoos and piercings are cool and dont mind the graphic nature of the program tune into taboo on national gerographic .

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