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Sunday, April 22, 2012

eat, drink and be merry

Today was watching a program in television in which was shown a tea-shop owner . Flooded by food related programs i thought it was about  the "one metre tea " the famous roadside tea served in teashops  . But it was something  more inspiring  .  Apparently  our tea shop owner has the habit of working 300 days and rest 2 months with his savings he goes on tour . He has already visited Singapore, Egypt, Dubai , Jordan , China and plans to go London-Paris this year  .  

In the world famous  Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyats works it is written    'eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.  '  Eventhough we will probably live tomorrow how many of us follow this principle . I am not endorsing that we should enjoy today with no care about tomorrow . But the point is watching around us we find many people who keep hoarding money  so much  that they have  no money for eating , drinking (not alcohol :)) or being merry .  I personally know many people who have millions in the form of assets but create an artificial shortage of day to day money  and eat and live like a pauper  .  Without going overboard in spending it is quite possible to spend decent money and have a great quality of life while living this short lifespan  . These days even travelling international will not cost too much if you plan early and spend wisely  . 

                                                                              So , to add to Rubaiyat .. Let us Eat , drink (non-alcoholic drinks ) and be merry and travel  or do whatever is interesting  for tomorrow we may die . 

Bon Voyage


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. one hindi writer rahul sankratyan said

    “Sair kar duniya ki gafil zindgani phir kahan

    Zindagani gar rahi to naujabani phir kahan.”

    this is known as philosophy of Nomadism

  3. thanks for the comment irfana .
