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Thursday, April 5, 2012

novemberinte nashtam -- movie review

  Let me start with a philosophical note ... being human is not only enjoying the intellectual pursuits in life and experiencing joy  but also experiencing the other emotion.. sadness .For without sadness you cannot understand what is joy  ....
                                                                   Why this preface because many people i meet are after joy alone and similarly interested in only comedy and happy ending movies .  But though i immensely enjoy comedy movies i strongly feel tragic movies do have a place and some of the best movies have tragedies among them .
                                    I was randomly scanning the tv today and chanced upon a movie with Madhavi in it as the heroine . The role was not a pleasant one but very well played by Madhavi . She was a psychiatric patient and has just returned from a stay in a mental hospital . Her brother and sister-in-law try their best in bringing back her to mainstream life but apparently her past love keeps haunting her . In addition her psychotic hallucinations also haunt her .  But all throughout the film the intense protective affection shown by her brother and sister-in-law is portrayed . (Director and writer padmarajan was always in for the intensity of relationships in his films )  . The character played by Madhavi is beyond words . All the characters in the movie are just small planets around this intense character played by Madhavi (malayalam never had a dearth of strong heroine based characters )  . Except for  the short periods when she hears auditory hallucinations the depth of the character played by madhavi is too good . Ditched by her lover inspite of her mental illness she has a realistic attitude to him . She reciprocates her brothers and sister-in laws love .
                                                                      The movie is tragic and sad .. but that is the beauty of it . One of the initial movies of padmarajan written and directed by him watch Novemberinte nashtam only if you are a movie critic and dont mind the tragedy ..
P.S: I am not revealing the plot since some of you may watch the movie


  1. thanks much Haroon,
    can you please post what happens in the climax?
    I just watched the whole movie in youtube but the climax scene is missing.
    Can you post the climax please? I am a die hard fan of madhavi and I can't miss this

  2. cv, now its available in u tube

  3. being an old movie made more than 30 years ago, i could manage to watch only until the climax...
    where can i find it ? the last video has been removed owing to copyright issues :(

  4. Did you check with Mosarbaer or any of the online sites which sell movies . I saw it on TV
