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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Amir and some little thoughts

If a guys name is Amir what image does it conjure on your mind ?  According to the latest book which i am reading Freakonomics the naming of people though seemingly meaningless have some bearing on their future .  Anyway this Amir whom me and my father met was not rich as the name implies . He was working hard to make ends meet . But what was striking about this not rich Amir was his hearty smile when we talked to him .  But what was a paradox was this Amir (rich in hindi ) not only was not rich  but was an orphan .
We dont have to search among great men but just observe people around us who inspite of undergoing the greatest losses still keep the spark of life by their positive outlook  .  At the same time we find around us many who crib about the lack of material things inspite of having everything  .  I have  met some really rich people who have stacked most of their money and crib that they dont have money for their day to day needs . 

Now coming to illness .  As a doctor i have seen the range of illnesses from common cold to cancer .  As i have written in an earlier blog that it amazes me that the persons who crib the maximum about their illness is the ones with the minor illnesses . I have got one of my favourite neighbour aunt who is now battling renal failure with 3 dialysis sessions per week sustaining her life . Shes not falsely hopeful but she doesnt crib .  But i have seen so many people who crib about even hypertension ,diabetes and even cholesterol as if their world is ending .  I have observed that these people who crib about these illnesses are the ones who only think about money and their health only and doesnt give any attention to other people . 

Its not wrong in feeling bad and talking about your illness with sadness even about viral fever . But talking about it in a way as if  thats the only thing that matters shows the lack of understanding of ones place in the world where it is high time that the concerned person think about their gifts which are given free -- be it their parents , a sufficient income etc etc  ..


  1. Good one Haroon. I see this in the NICU all the time. Parents' unhappiness is inversely proportional to the complexity of the infants' problems.The parents of critically ill children are more grounded than the others as they are face to face with the reality of life and death.

  2. thanks for the comment . The day most of the people realise the reality of life and death this world will be a much better place . And also maybe they will appreciate doctors more who are part of this reality
