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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

movie review ... Scoop

I recently saw a movie on HBO .  Thought i would share it here .  Its a murder mystery where a serial killer in london goes on killing  women and leaving a poker card at the murder site. Murder mysteries are always interesting but this movie got me more interested as there was an old man who is a supporting actor  but in most of the scenes he is stealing the show  ... The main actor and the murder suspect is the handome actor Hugh Jackman and the journalist who is the main actress is the beautiful actress Scarlett Johansen . They both acted well but  this old man was acting much better  .. I saw the movie to the end and then researched who this old man was .. Movie buffs will kill me that i didnt know " Woody Allen "  but frankly i didnt know him .  Only when i searched in the net after searching the movie did i find that the funny  old man was no other than the great actor woody allen . And i was happy that i discovered him in this retrospective way meaning  just by seeing his acting i  could feel he is someone great  .  Please check out wikipedia to find out  he was not only a great actor  but also his adventurous personal life . See "Scoop "  if  you are interested in murder mysteries or if you like Scarlett Johansen :)


  1. I cant stand woody allen movies!

  2. have seen only one of his movies .. so have to see more to see whether i can stand him or not :)
