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Sunday, November 20, 2011

price for romantic love

      Edward VIII, Wallis Simpson, king edward viii, edward wallis simpson                                                             Will you give up your powerful status in your soceity , the status of your job , the money  etc etc in favour  of  a romantic love which is against everyones wishes .  Yes you know what i am getting at  ... the topic of countless movies the success of the movies show that  this is an "ideal  "  most people have . But  like all ideals how many  of  us are ready  for this in actuality  .  The reality  can be seen in pages of newspaper where reality is honestly portrayed . Marriage "market  "  where even the salaries are spelt out in figures so that there is no confusion in choosing the best bride /groom .  Even in love  marriage  these days  many people say girls and boys have  become more "sensible  "  in falling in love only after checking  the basic "economic and social data  "  .  I am  not saying all this is good or bad  .  Or rather i have  no comment about this in the present practical world  .

But  that  doesnt  make me from admiring  some people who truly gave up everything  for their romantic love .  For  even nowadays there are some people who  truly  go for their true love .  Today  i was just checking the internet  on the emperors of india and there he was an Emperor of India during the British times and the King of England for the shortest period (less than an year ) . His name was King Edward V111  ,  who  abdicated (gave up the throne  after just an year of his rule ) for  marrying  a commoner Wallis Simpson . With the highest standing  in  British soceity as the head of the state and access to all the riches of  the  "land where sun never sets ---the british empire "  he would be considered foolish  by any standards .  After his abdication till  his death  at the age of  78  he  lead a life with this commoner away  from britain  .  The british monarchy never accepted his wife though he was made Duke of Windsor .  It is like getting promotion from CEO to senior executive   . Please check out wikipedia if you want to know more about this couple .

Now my little thoughts on this issue  ... Lets face it  .. Each one of us is different . Some of us value  money  , some of us power , some of us status  and still there are some who give priority to love  . All of us value all these things but  the  priority  varies highly between individuals  .  Watch around you and we can see what i mean  .  But  the point is after a honest self check  we should all  try to  make our goals aligned to  our priorities  . And though there many leaders whom we can look upto in the  first three categories  ,  remember  King Edward VIII  and  his  wife  if  you are searching  for  a leader  in the last category  .

Disclaimer  :  On  a lighter  note  i  am not  promoting running away  /eloping  or  making  extreme decisions like the King  .  But  understand yourself and think in what proportion you want money-power-status-love .
And need not  feel  guilty if  its skewed towards the former three  ---thats part of being human  .

Too philosophical or  enjoyed the blog  .. let me know by your comments  . 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It’s a very interesting thought.
    Every one may have their own views for the issue. But the sensibility of the boys and girls now remain up to social and economical status of the partner. And it is a critical issue no one wants to go for so called romantic love and every few days they change their partners according to social and economical status. Finally get marry with some new one.

  3. @irfana please check out sujatha sathyas blog for a different take in the issue . As i mentioned it is a complex topic but nevertheless this king is heroic indeed according to me who followed his heart . For some people love and its ramifications including friendship r more important than money power etc . but that species is becoming a minority
