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Sunday, October 16, 2011

encounter with mans best friend

There are  more people who die of dog bites in the united states than killed by sharks  . If  in doubt  refer Yes  dogs can be  dangerous  in certain circumstances  and of course large dog breeds like rottweiler and mastiffs can kill  .  But wait a minute , i titled my blog encounters with  mans "best friend " .  Yes ,  i did it deliberately because  among animals dog is indeed mans best friend .  Even cat lovers would agree that there are few animals which reciprocate and demonstrate their affection unconditionally like a dog .

When i was in mumbai  i  visited an old friend of mine .  A  visit including  delicious lunch ,  meeting few of their friends , reminiscing the past etc etc which were enjoyable  . Then after all the guests had left and only  they were  in the house they asked me whether i liked dogs . Though most of my family hated dogs  i liked dogs  .  I told them so  and asked them  why  . It seems they had three dogs in their large duplex flat and the dogs  were in a room  as the guests were there for lunch  .  They wanted to let  out the dogs if i was ok with it . Actually by this time i too was curious to see their dogs  .  Watching animal planet and having seen dog behaviour with good masters (my cousins had dogs )  i was not afraid . When the door was opened ,  i  learned the meaning of "trust "  .  Out  came  three  very "cute "  dogs  -- a  large mastiff  (one of the largest breeds of dogs used for  boar hunting in the past ) , rottweiler ( responsible for  the maximum dog fatality of humans ) and good old boxer.  I didnt get scared for  the owners had told me "they had been brought up like their children "  .  Still  .. i was a stranger to the dogs  .  Before my heart could skip a beat another  cuter  thing happened.  The dogs one by one came upto me and sniffed me  .  Typical dog behaviour . But  they sniffed at my  neck   . yes  neck  .  I was a little scared at this moment . Then they just  lay down on the floor  .  So  i am  introduced to their  dogs  .  Next was my turn . I asked them whether it was safe to touch the dogs . They told no problem .  I  stroked the rottweiler and the mastiff  and  they both  had no problems with  it .And the mastiff even rolled on its back  .Those  who  know animal behaviour  will tell that when a dog rolls on its back and allow  you stroke its belly  its the sign of submission and trust . I couldnt believe it this large mastiff was  allowing me to stroke its belly  . The boxer  by its body language and looks  showed that  it didnt trust me so i didnt stroke it  . 

That  day  again affirmed my opinion  that  dog is indeed  mans best friend  .  What about  the  killer  rottweilers  in USA .  Most  of them  had been abused by their owners and  naturally  their  killer instinct  had been  promoted . So its not the dog  which is responsible but their owners . 


  1. Glad to hear your dog experience was great. I am a big dog lover and have a constant doggy companion below my chair when working on the computer. Mine is a cocker spaniel who is supposed to be one of the friendliest loving breeds. He especially hates children apart from my daughter whom he simply adores and though he looks so loving and charming he hates anyone who is not family so just goes to say a dogs classic breed reputation can be quite erroneous!


  2. i am surprised too he rolled on his back. lucky u :) for the show of trust

    rottweilers are ferocious & scare me

  3. @ sujatha ... i dont know but kids and animals till date have been predictable and nice .. not that all adults r unpredictable and not nice ...
    rotties r bred to show guarding instincts but they r nice to their family

  4. i hate dogs earlier but after comming to chennai i learned tat dogs are not problem causing and in chennai {avadi} u can c atleast one dog per 3-4 houses taking security job without any income{food} expectation. they need only love..and also that the reason which we can c tigers as pets for some tibetan people {sry i dont know their names but i know that they r following buddhism} in general :AS LIFE IS TO LIVE, SO LOVE IS TO GIVE;

  5. @Akhil ... tigers r kept as pets also in tiger temple thailand and some americans in their houses .. Generally pets and children are easiest to deal with for they r totally honest with their feelings . thanks for the comment
